20 research outputs found

    Constraints on visual exploration of youth football players during 11v11 match-play : The influence of playing role, pitch position and phase of play

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    Visual exploratory action, in which football players turn their head to perceive their environment, improves prospective performance with the ball during match-play. This scanning action, however, is relevant for players throughout the entire match, as the information perceived through visual exploration is needed to guide movement around the pitch during both offensive and defensive play. This study aimed to understand how a player’s on-pitch position, playing role and phase of play influenced the visual exploratory head movements of players during 11v11 match-play. Twenty-two competitive-elite youth footballers (M = 16.25 years) played a total of 1,623 minutes (M = 73.8). Inertial measurement units, global positioning system units and notational analysis were used to quantify relevant variables. Analyses revealed that players explored more extensively when they were in possession of the ball, and less extensively during transition phases, as compared to team ball-possession and opposition ball-possession phases of play. Players explored most extensively when in the back third of the pitch, and least when they were in the middle third of the pitch. Playing role, pitch position and phase of play should be considered as constraints on visual exploratory actions when developing training situations aimed at improving the scanning actions of players

    User experience of mixed reality applications for healthy ageing : A systematic review

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    Mixed reality (MR) technologies are being used increasingly to support healthy ageing, but past reviews have concentrated on the efficacy of the technology. This systematic review provides a synthesis of recent experimental studies on the instrumental, emotional and non-instrumental aspects of user experience of healthy older adults in relation to MR-related applications. The review was listed on PROSPERO, utilised a modified PICOS framework, and canvassed all published work between January 2010 to July 2021 that appeared in major databases (Scopus, PubMed, CINAHL, Web of Science, and the Cochrane Library). The literature search revealed 15 eligible studies. Results indicated that all included studies measured the instrumental quality of their applications, all but two studies measured the emotional reactions triggered by gameplay, and only six studies examined participants’ perception of non-instrumental quality of the applications. All included studies focused on improving a health domain such as cognitive or physical training. This suggests that the instrumental quality of the MR applications remains the focus of user experience studies, with far fewer studies examining the non-instrumental quality of the applications. Implications for game design and future research are discussed

    Visual exploration when surrounded by affordances : Frequency of head movements is predictive of response speed

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    Little is known about the actions supporting exploration and their relation to subsequent actions in situations when participants are surrounded by opportunities for action. Here, the movements that support visual exploration were related to performance in an enveloping football (soccer) passing task. Head movements of experienced football players were quantified with inertial measurement units. In a simulated football scenario, participants completed a receiving–passing task that required them to indicate pass direction to one of four surrounding targets, as quickly as they could after they gained simulated ball possession. The frequency of head movements before and after gaining ball possession and the pass response times were recorded. We controlled exploration time—the time before gaining simulated ball possession—to be 1, 2, or 3 seconds. Exploration time significantly influenced the frequency of head movements, and a higher frequency of head turns before gaining ball possession resulted in faster pass responses. Exploratory action influenced subsequent performatory action. That is, higher frequencies of head movements resulted in faster decisions. Implications for research and practice are discussed

    Principles of the guidance of exploration for orientation and specification of action

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    To control movement of any type, the neural system requires perceptual information to distinguish what actions are possible in any given environment. The behavior aimed at collecting this information, termed “exploration”, is vital for successful movement control. Currently, the main function of exploration is understood in the context of specifying the requirements of the task at hand. To accommodate for agency and action-selection, we propose that this understanding needs to be supplemented with a function of exploration that logically precedes the specification of action requirements with the purpose of discovery of possibilities for action—action orientation. This study aimed to provide evidence for the delineation of exploration for action orientation and exploration for action specification using the principles from “General Tau Theory.” Sixteen male participants volunteered and performed a laboratory-based exploration task. The visual scenes of different task-specific situations were projected on five monitors surrounding the participant. At a predetermined time, the participant received a simulated ball and was asked to respond by indicating where they would next play the ball. Head movements were recorded using inertial sensors as a measure of exploratory activity. It was shown that movement guidance characteristics varied between different head turns as participants moved from exploration for orientation to exploration for action specification. The first head turn in the trial, used for action-orientation, showed later peaks in the velocity profile and harder closure of the movement gap (gap between the start and end of the head-movement) in comparison to the later head turns. However, no differences were found between the first and the final head turn, which we hypothesized are used mainly for action orientation and specification respectively. These results are in support of differences in the function and control of head movement for discovery of opportunities for action (orientation) vs. head movement for specification of task requirements. Both are important for natural movement, yet in experimental settings,orientation is often neglected. Including both orientation and action specification in an experimental design should maximize generalizability of an experiment to natural behavior. Future studies are required to study the neural bases of movement guidance in order to better understand exploration in anticipation of movement

    Home-based (virtual) rehabilitation improves motor and cognitive function for stroke patients : A randomized controlled trial of the Elements (EDNA-22) system

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    Background Home-based rehabilitation of arm function is a significant gap in service provision for adult stroke. The EDNA-22 tablet is a portable virtual rehabilitation-based system that provides a viable option for home-based rehabilitation using a suite of tailored movement tasks, and performance monitoring via cloud computing data storage. The study reported here aimed to compare use of the EDNA system with an active control (Graded Repetitive Arm Supplementary Program—GRASP training) group using a parallel RCT design. Methods Of 19 originally randomized, 17 acute-care patients with upper-extremity dysfunction following unilateral stroke completed training in either the treatment (n = 10) or active control groups (n = 7), each receiving 8-weeks of in-home training involving 30-min sessions scheduled 3–4 times weekly. Performance was assessed across motor, cognitive and functional behaviour in the home. Primary motor measures, collected by a blinded assessor, were the Box and Blocks Task (BBT) and 9-Hole Pegboard Test (9HPT), and for cognition the Montreal Cognitive Assessment (MoCA). Functional behaviour was assessed using the Stroke Impact Scale (SIS) and Neurobehavioural Functioning Inventory (NFI). Results One participant from each group withdrew for personal reasons. No adverse events were reported. Results showed a significant and large improvement in performance on the BBT for the more-affected hand in the EDNA training group, only (g = 0.90). There was a mild-to-moderate effect of training on the 9HPT for EDNA (g = 0.55) and control (g = 0.42) groups, again for the more affected hand. In relation to cognition, performance on the MoCA improved for the EDNA group (g = 0.70). Finally, the EDNA group showed moderate (but non-significant) improvement in functional behaviour on the SIS (g = 0.57) and NFI (g = 0.49). Conclusion A short course of home-based training using the EDNA-22 system can yield significant gains in motor and cognitive performance, over and above an active control training that also targets upper-limb function. Intriguingly, these changes in performance were corroborated only tentatively in the reports of caregivers. We suggest that future research consider how the implementation of home-based rehabilitation technology can be optimized. We contend that self-administered digitally-enhanced training needs to become part of the health literacy of all stakeholders who are impacted by stroke and other acquired brain injuries. Trial registration Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry (ANZCTR) Number: ACTRN12619001557123. Registered 12 November 2019, http://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=378298&isReview=tru

    Don’t Turn Blind! The Relationship Between Exploration Before Ball Possession and On-Ball Performance in Association Football

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    Visual exploratory action – scanning movements expressed through left and right rotation of the head – allows perception of a surrounding environment and supports prospective actions. In the dynamically changing football environment, the extent to which exploratory action benefits a player’s subsequent performance with the ball is likely influenced by how and when the exploratory action occurs. Although few studies have examined the relationship between visual exploration and on-pitch football performance, it has been reported that a higher frequency of exploratory head movement up to 10-s before receiving the ball increases the likelihood of successful performance with the ball. This study investigated the relationship between head turn frequency and head turn excursion, and how and when exploratory head movement – within 10-s before ball possession – is related to performance with the ball in 11v11 match-play. Thirty-two semi-elite football players competed in 11v11 match-play. Head turn frequency and head turn excursion before ball possession were quantified with wearable inertial measurement units, and actions with the ball were coded via notational analysis. Odds ratio calculations were conducted to determine the associations between exploration variables and on-ball performance outcomes. A total of 783 actions with the ball were analyzed. Results revealed a strong relationship between head turn frequency and head turn excursion. Further, a higher than average head turn frequency and head turn excursion before receiving the ball resulted in a higher likelihood of turning with the ball, playing a pass in the attacking direction, and playing a pass to an area that is opposite to which it was received from. The strength of these outcomes varied for different time periods before receiving the ball. When players explored their environment with higher than average head turn frequency and excursion, they used more complex action opportunities afforded by the surrounding environment. Considerations for future research and practical implications are discussed

    Development of complex executive function over childhood : Longitudinal growth curve modeling of performance on the Groton Maze Learning Task

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    Abstract This longitudinal study modeled children's complex executive function (EF) development using the Groton Maze Learning Task (GMLT). Using a cohort-sequential design, 147 children (61 males, 5.5–11 years) were recruited from six multicultural primary schools in Melbourne and Perth, Australia. Race/ethnicity data were not available. Children were assessed on the GMLT at 6-month intervals over 2-years between 2010 and 2012. Growth curve models describe age-related change from 5.5 to 12.5 years old. Results showed a quadratic growth trajectory on each measure of error—that is, those that reflect visuospatial memory, executive control (or the ability to apply rules for action), and complex EF. The ability to apply rules for action, while a rate-limiting factor in complex EF, develops rapidly over early-to-mid childhood

    Music can induce positive affect before football training, but is it maintained throughout training?

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    In a sport setting, affective states interact with other constraints to influence athlete skill acquisition and performance. The importance of affect in skill acquisition is given weight through the underpinnings of representative and affective learning design frameworks. However, there is currently a lack of understanding how the affective states of athletes change throughout training activities. This study aimed to understand how association football players’ affective states changed throughout training. Prior to four training sessions, positive and negative music was used as a treatment to induce affective states in 12 competitive-elite youth footballers (M = 17.36, SD = 1.11 years). During training, players participated in a series of six small-sided games, and their affective states (valance and arousal) were monitored prior to each game using the Affect Grid. RM-MANOVA revealed that the music treatment was able to effectively influence affective states. Further, positive affect remained high for some time throughout training, whereas affective states returned to pre-treatment levels at the beginning of training when athletes listened to negative music prior to the training session. Musical interventions may offer a suitable solution for practitioners to implement affective learning designs into their training

    A systematic review of the technology-based assessment of visual perception and exploration behaviour in association football

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    To visually perceive opportunities for action, athletes rely on the movements of their eyes, head and body to explore their surrounding environment. To date, the specific types of technology and their efficacy for assessing the exploration behaviours of association footballers have not been systematically reviewed. This review aimed to synthesise the visual perception and exploration behaviours of footballers according to the task constraints, action requirements of the experimental task, and level of expertise of the athlete, in the context of the technology used to quantify the visual perception and exploration behaviours of footballers. A systematic search for papers that included keywords related to football, technology, and visual perception was conducted. All 38 included articles utilised eye-movement registration technology to quantify visual perception and exploration behaviour. The experimental domain appears to influence the visual perception behaviour of footballers, however no studies investigated exploration behaviours of footballers in open-play situations. Studies rarely utilised representative stimulus presentation or action requirements. To fully understand the visual perception requirements of athletes, it is recommended that future research seek to validate alternate technologies that are capable of investigating the eye, head and body movements associated with the exploration behaviours of footballers during representative open-play situations

    Development and validation of a sensor-based algorithm for detecting visual exploratory actions

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    Wearable sensors are becoming widely used in the sport sciences to assess the performance of athletes. Advances in microelectromechanical systems technology, in particular inertial measurement units (IMUs), provide researchers and practitioners with a portable means of capturing performance in representative task scenarios. Of recent interest to sport scientists in team sports is how athletes perceive their surroundings and how visual (and other) information is used to select appropriate actions during a match. Collectively, the movements athletes make to gather information from their environments is referred to as exploratory action. An important aspect of this behavior is typically measured by notating (counting) the number of head turns from a third-person video perspective. A notational analysis is a labor-intensive task and prone to human error, especially when activity takes place over long durations. The IMUs are well suited to resolve these issues; they are highly accurate, very efficient, and have an adequate output data rate. Currently, no gold standard method exists to automatically detect head turn events from the IMUs. In the current study, a novel algorithm that utilizes data captured from a head-mounted IMU to count the number of head turns performed by an athlete during a controlled experimental task is presented. Results demonstrate that the presented algorithm is an appropriate and efficient method for assessing the number of head turns as a measure of exploratory actions